🕒 PlayTime:
Level 1: 500 Ruud
Level 2: 1.000 Ruud
Level 3: 2.500 Ruud
Level 4: 5.000 Ruud
💣 Find Bombs:
Lower Box (0-150): x3 ~ x5 Jewel of Bless ; x3 ~ x5 Jewel of Soul
Medium Box (151-850): x10 Jewel of Bless ; x10 Jewel of Soul, x3 Jewel of Life
Higher Box (851-1100): x30 Jewel of Bless, x30 Jewel of Soul, x20 Jewel of Chaos, x20 Jewel of Creation, x20 Jewel of Life
Luxury Box (1100+): x50 Jewel of Chaos, x50 Jewel of Creation, x50 Jewel of Life
💎 Jewel Bingo:
Lower Reward (0-700): x3 ~ x5 Jewel of Bless ; x3 ~ x5 Jewel of Soul
Intermediate Reward (700-899): x10 Jewel of Bless ; x10 Jewel of Soul, x3 Jewel of Life
Advanced Reward (900-999): x30 Jewel of Bless, x30 Jewel of Soul, x20 Jewel of Chaos, x20 Jewel of Creation, x10 Jewel of Life
Premium Reward (1000+): x50 Jewel of Chaos, x50 Jewel of Creation, x30 Jewel of Life
⚾ Balls and Cows:
Lower Reward (0-300): x3 ~ x5 Jewel of Bless ; x3 ~ x5 Jewel of Soul
Intermediate Reward (301-449): x15 Jewel of Bless ; x15 Jewel of Soul, x5 Jewel of Chaos, x5 Jewel of Creation, x3 Jewel of Life
Senior Reward (450+): x30 Jewel of Bless, x30 Jewel of Soul, x20 Jewel of Chaos, x20 Jewel of Creation, x10 Jewel of Life
🃏 MU Roomy:
Basic Reward (0-249): Zen (Event Fail)
Medium Reward (250-399): x3 ~ x5 Jewel of Bless; x3 ~ x5 Jewel of Soul; x3 Harmony; x3 Chaos; x3 Creation; x3 Life
Higher Reward (400-499): x30 Jewel of Bless, x30 Jewel of Soul, x10 Chaos, x10 Creation, x10 Life, x10 Harmony
Luxury Reward (500+): x30 Jewel of Chaos, x30 Jewel of Creation, x30 Jewel of Life, x30 Jewel of Harmony
🐂 Evomon:
Minor (2-20): x10 Jewel of Bless ; x10 Jewel of Soul
Standard (21-40): x20 Jewel of Bless, x20 Jewel of Soul, x10 Jewel of Chaos, x10 Jewel of Creation, x5 Jewel of Life
Greater (41-50): x30 Jewel of Bless, x30 Jewel of Soul, x20 Jewel of Chaos, x20 Jewel of Creation. x10 Jewel of Life
Luxurious (51-60): x50 Jewel of Bless, x50 Jewel of Soul, x30 Jewel of Chaos, x30 Jewel of Creation, x15 Jewel of Life
Magnificent (61-68): x50 Jewel of Chaos, x50 Jewel of Creation, x50 Jewel of Life
Legendary (69-70): Jewel of Excellent Ancient
Extra: 100 GP every Evomon Killed
Last updated